18 Dec How to Remove ChatZum
What is ChatZum?
ChatZum is a browser hijacker, which is usually packaged with other free software. Once installed it will add the ChatZum Toolbar, change your browser homepage and default search engine to search.chatzum.com.
How to remove ChatZum?
Scan your computer with Macware Adware Cleaner for Mac. Adware Cleaner will free your computer from annoying adware, malicious hijacker programs and unwanted toolbars.
How to manually remove ChatZum?
Firstly, remove the ChatZum browser extension from the infected browser.
Select your browser for more information on how to remove the ChatZum extension from your browser; Apple Safari , Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox
After you have removed the ChatZum browser extension locate and delete all of the following files;
/Applications/ChatZumUninstaller.pkg /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/SafariOmnibar.bundle /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/uid.plist /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/zako.plugin
Most of the files will require admin access in order to be deleted.
We also recommend you to delete SIMBL which is related to ChatZum.
Locate and delete all of the following files;
/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/ /Library/LaunchAgents/net.culater.SIMBL.Agent.plist /Library/ScriptingAdditions/SIMBL.osax
Remember to change the home page and default search engine settings in your browser’s preferences.